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ParticipACTION a Community Better Challenge Grant

Supported by the Canadian Government.


Our club has been successful in receiving a $450.00 grant.  We had requested the grant to help pay for pamphlets and bookmarks for the club, cleaning of the club house, to help buy healthy snacks and food for events and advertising of the events.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our planned Events for June have been cancelled.  ParticipACTION had anticipated this but is allowing us to keep the grant money for expenditures.  The planned events in which we would have tracked our physical activity at the club for the month of June was through Jitneys, Tournaments and regular play. 

In response to having to cancel all activity at the Club in June, all members are being asked to track their own physical activity.  That might be walking, running, swimming etc.  Later in May we will be contacting members as to how easy it is to track their activity.  This will enable us to be eligible to apply next year for another grant.